My Lebowski Blog!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"You're like a child that wanders into a movie"

3 films in "pre-production" for the Coen Brothers according to IMDB.

Listed under this Joel Coen link

Suburbicon (2007) (announced)
No Country for Old Men (2007) (pre-production)
Hail Caesar (2006) (pre-production)

Word on the internets is that George Clooney will be in Hail Caesar and it's a comedy.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Pictures from Achievers in Austin

From a comment in the Austin post below, I got this link.

They actually did complete the modest task which was their charge and they went out and achieved.

As more shit comes to light, I shall provide the info.

Of course there should be plenty up on the Lebowski Fest main page.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Fun sites around the Internets for your Lebowski fix

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The script itself.
Count the F-words, see how many you come up with.. :)

Random Lebowski quote generator
"Yes, they don't like hearing it and find it difficult to say, whereas without batting an eye, a man will refer to his dick, his rod or his...johnson."

These guys sure don't look like Autobahn..
I've seen better sites. And in English, too.

The Lebowski Achievers
And proud we are of all of them

These really tie the Internet together.

"Do what your parents did! Get a job, sir!"

Check out the title bar at the top of your browswer for this web site:

"Do you hear me Lebowski!"

Monday, May 15, 2006

Austin Fest-goers, have fun and post pictures!

I wish I could make it, but work got in the way.

I will be at the 5th annual for sure, though. Looking forward to that.

Please report on the Austin Fest here if you have a chance.
Sounds like it should be great.

How could it not?

Is that some kind of eastern thing?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Pick your next favorite Coen movie

That's a real tough one for me.

I have seen and enjoyed all (though the Clooney/Zeta Jones one was a little weak).

One thing that I like about their movies is that they certainly have a flavor of their own, they can all be so different.
Hard to get much different than say, The Big Lebowski and Millers Crossing.
Gimme the name of someone other than John Turturro that's in both, winner gets a hug, no Googling!

O' Brother Where Art Thou and Fargo are at the top with Lebowski for me.
They are both just so damn good, so damn watchable multiple times. Brilliant.

I like that they use a lot of the same actors and give them such different things to do at times.

Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski!

And yet, his son is a dunce

Flunking social studies.

Although his dad wrote the bulk of the series.
Not exactly a lightweight.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gatherings of Lebowski fans

For those that may not know it, there are a couple guys in Louisville that wound up creating quite a cult following with their annual Lebowski Fest.

It started there, and grew so there have been others around the country as well.

Friends of mine and I went to the one a couple years back in Vegas and had a great time, even in that shithole of a city..

Next up is one in Austin, TX the weekend of May 20th, then the big one, the 5th annual in Louisville the weekend of Sept. 30th.

We're going to that one for sure. Make a long weekend out of it. Whiskey and Lebowski. What a combo.

This summer, I will be hosting another outdoor Lebowksi party with a projector viewing and plenty of oat sodas and white russians.

I'd love to hear your stories and what have you about Lebowski Fest treks, or themed parties that you may have thrown.

The Dude abides...

Monday, May 08, 2006

All Things Lebowski

This will be a HUGE departure from my normal political blog and just for fun.
All things Lebowski, but the Brothers Coen should be fair game as well.

More to come.