My Lebowski Blog!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I'm a Lebowski, you're a Lebowski, that's terrific

They call Los Angeles the city of Angels.
I CERTAINLY wouldn't call is that exactly, but it's a good place to have a Lebowski Fest.

I went to the Friday portion last week up in Hollywood at the Knitting Factory, which was also the release of their new book with the same title as this post.

Anyway, it was a ton of fun, Hollywood is fun as hell and I stayed up WAY too fucking late.
I took a few pictures. You can see big versions all on one page here.

I was super hungry after working my way up to LA from San Diego, so of course I ate at In And Out Burger. Those are good burgers, Walter. This one is next to Hollywood High School.

There was a Ralph's across from my motel on Sunset.

I couldn't believe I just took a random turn down Hollywood Blvd. and walked right over The Dude's star on the walk of fame.
Pretty cool.

Anyway, I didn't take too many pictures in the Fest, not that many people were all geeked out and dressed up.

But, there were a couple fun bands.

These guys were called Totally Radd. Imagine Spinal Tap with a Keytar.
Pretty funny stuff.

Then we heard Pudge Zeppelin who may have a funny name, but they also played some seriously good versions of Led Zep. songs for about 45 minutes at ear splitting level.
Lots and lots of fun.

I drank too much.

The dude abides..


Blogger None said...

One of my college professors wrote a review of it for a Nashville paper. I'm still on the waiting list to get his copy.

9:34 PM  
Blogger Mike V. said...

Far out, man.
Far fucking out.

BTW, Nashville looks like it is an island of cool within the state of TN.
Plus, that's where my Les Paul was made.. :)

7:45 AM  
Blogger knitphomaniac said...

Brilliant :D

I though it may be appropriate to reply to this specific thread... since there's mention of an event at The Knitting Factory club... in a kind of roundabout way...

If you're a knitter or knows someone who knits, a knitting pattern for the Dude's sweater is available here: - enjoy. :)

(And yes, it's a mild amount of shameless self promotion, but I think I can have some bragging rights considering it took me 3 months to put it together!)

2:21 PM  

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