My Lebowski Blog!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gatherings of Lebowski fans

For those that may not know it, there are a couple guys in Louisville that wound up creating quite a cult following with their annual Lebowski Fest.

It started there, and grew so there have been others around the country as well.

Friends of mine and I went to the one a couple years back in Vegas and had a great time, even in that shithole of a city..

Next up is one in Austin, TX the weekend of May 20th, then the big one, the 5th annual in Louisville the weekend of Sept. 30th.

We're going to that one for sure. Make a long weekend out of it. Whiskey and Lebowski. What a combo.

This summer, I will be hosting another outdoor Lebowksi party with a projector viewing and plenty of oat sodas and white russians.

I'd love to hear your stories and what have you about Lebowski Fest treks, or themed parties that you may have thrown.

The Dude abides...


Blogger None said...

This is my new favorite blog.

"I am the walrus."

10:22 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

Best. Movie. Ever.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Mike V. said...

It's like Lenin said.

Shut the fuck up, Donnie!

8:33 PM  

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