My Lebowski Blog!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The bums will always lose, you hear me Lebowski! Maybe not at the 7th annual, though!

This guy tattooed it on his forehead.

Anyway, we ventured out to the 7th annual Lebowski Fest in Louisville, KY.

Lots and lots of fun.
Oat sodas, white Russians, what have you.

It was at the Executive Strike and Spare in Louisville.
Over by the airport, not the In N Out Burger.

Agression did not stand.

Bunny wound up NOT sucking anyone's cock for a thousand dollars.
A few rugs may have been peed on, we're not sure.

Many achievers came and had a good time, though.
And proud we are of all of them.

You can see all my photos, including LB and travel stuff from TN to KY here on my domain.
Far out, man.